Daily Archives: August 14, 2013

Fundraising for Books!

I hate plugging on G&L, but I need to throw this out there.  I go back to school in September, and I have two books I need to cover before my financial aid kicks in.  That said, I’ve got a little “business” to promote:

I’m going to be selling Byzantine chain bracelets for $20 a piece (+$1.50 for shipping within the US).  I have an array of colors on the way.  I’ll post photos as soon as the rings arrive to give everyone a good idea of the pallet.  I need to sell SEVEN of them to make up the cost of books and materials.  College books are expensive (whine bitch whine).

Here are some examples:

2013-08-02 12.22.40

2013-08-05 16.52.40

2013-08-02 11.30.02

2013-08-05 16.52.02Chain maille is fun. =]  I still have the black and copper in copper rings, if you’re interested in that.  The new colors are going to come in anodized aluminum.  The clasps are toggle (though I also have lobster, they’re a pain in the butt to get on one-handed).

If you’re interested in picking up one of these spiffy bracelets, feel free to contact me at katiemacconnell [at] gmail [dot] com.  I’ll give you my Paypal details and we can chat about your bracelet.  =]  IT’S FOR A GOOD CAUSE! 8D

Thanks for reading this. <3



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