Prompt: Familiar

Gwin © Inkheart - Cornelia Funke

This is vague.  I want you to really reach here, because this concept has been done a thousand times five times over.  I want you to… *drumroll*  ….. tell me about your animal companion/familiar!  Or a character’s animal companion/familiar.  How did you/they come to be together?  How do you/they communicate?   Tell me the story. <3


Filed under Writing, Writing Exercise Friday

2 responses to “Prompt: Familiar

  1. Erin M

    Cool prompt, Kit! I’m going to have to think about it!

    PS, I remember really enjoying Inkheart (the movie; haven’t read the book). Anything involving books/love of reading/characters = awesome. Books, &c, + Paul Bettany = even more awesome. XD


  2. See, for me it’s always been a very obvious answer – a cat. But I don’t know if that actually stands up to scrutiny, so I’m going to have to think about it!

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